Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Tanaman Obat Kelurga :D

Tanaman obat keluarga (disingkat TOGA) adalah tanaman hasil budidaya rumahan yang berkhasiat sebagai obat.Taman obat keluarga pada hakekatnya adalah sebidang tanah, baik di halaman rumah, kebun ataupun ladang yang digunakan untuk membudidayakan tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai obat dalam rangka memenuhi keperluan keluarga akan obat-obatan.
Kebun tanaman obat atau bahan obat dan selanjutnya dapat disalurkan kepada masyarakat, khususnya obat yang berasal dari tumbuh-tumbuhan. Budidaya tanaman obat untuk keluarga (TOGA) dapat memacu usaha kecil dan menengah di bidang obat-obatan herbal sekalipun dilakukan secara individual. Setiap keluarga dapat membudidayakan tanaman obat secara mandiri dan memanfaatkannya, sehingga akan terwujud prinsip kemandirian dalam pengobatan keluarga.

Faktor peningkatan penggunaan tanaman obat :

Kecenderungan meningkatnya penggunaan obat tradisional didasari oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu:
  1. Pada umumnya, harga obat–obatan buatan pabrik yang sangat mahal, sehingga masyarakat mencari alternatif pengobatan yang lebih murah.
  2. Efek samping yang ditimbulkan oleh obat tradisional sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan obat buatan pabrik.
  3. Kandungan unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam obat tradisional sebenarnya menjadi dasar pengobatan kedokteran modern. Artinya, pembuatan obat–obatan pabrik menggunakan rumus kimia yang telah disentetis dari kandungan bahan alami ramuan tradisional.

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Let's Go Green and Save the world! :)

The easiets ways to Go Green :

1. Stop Idling

Every moment you spend idling your car's engine means needlessly wasting gas, as well as rougher wear on your vehicle. Idling for more than 10 seconds wastes more gas than is needed for startup. Overall, Americans idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas a year, worth around $78.2 billion.

2. Turn Off Your Computer
Save energy and wear and tear on your hardware by shutting down your computer at night. You'll save an average of $90 of electricity a year.

3. Sign Up for Green Energy
More than half of all electricity consumers in the U.S. now have the option of purchasing green power from their utility. Find out how you can buy it by visiting the Department of Energy's state-by-state list of providers. You can also check with your own utility to see what's available.

4. Turn Down the Thermostat
It definitely pays to give a thought to your here and thermostat, since most households shell out 50 to 70% of their energy budgets on heating and cooling. For every degree you lower the thermostat, you'll save between 1 and 3% of your heating bill. Do the same thing in reverse with air conditioning.

5. Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water
An easy way to clean green is to turn the dial on your washing machine to cold. Most loads don't need hot water, and 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes into heating. The higher the water temperature, the higher the cost to you and the planet.

6. Pay Bills Online
Save natural resources -- as well as late fees -- by enrolling in online bill-paying options. Paperless billing not only saves trees, it also eliminates the fossil fuel needed to get all those billing envelopes from them to you and back again. Plus, you'll save money on stamps.

7. Jettison Junk Mail
Around 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water are used to send junk mail to Americans every year, according to greendimes.com. You can stop 75% of unsolicited mail by registering on the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association Website (for a fee of $1). Within 90 days, most unsolicited mail will stop.

8. Print on Two Sides
Know what? It's not that hard to print on both sides of the paper. But even though most software programs give that option, most of us still print only on one side of the page. Consider this: the U.S. alone uses 4 million tons of copy paper annually, about 27 pounds per person. Save dough and your local landfill. Print on two sides.

9. Carpool It!
If your drive to work is 25 miles each way and at least half is in typical stop-and-go traffic, you'll save almost 10 percent of your monthly carbon emissions by carpooling. Not to mention the gas dollars you'll save and the fun you'll have sharing office gossip with your friends.

10. Choose Hormone-Free Milk
Look for milk that has been certified organic or carries the words "no artificial hormones." Conventional dairies inject cows with synthetic recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), aka bovine somatotropin (rbST), to boost production. The practice has been implicated in udder infections, requiring more veterinary antibiotic use, and is banned in many countries. Some scientists worry the hormones may affect consumers.


Kamis, 06 September 2012

Sapu Lidi : Cafe, Resort, and Gallery

A Great Place Creates Lasting Moments Only At Sapulidi, Bandung

Indulge your senses and experience in the middle of green padyfield
with surrounding by the mountain can be tantalizing glimpsed in
the distance of Lembang Bandung.
Sapulidi Cafe is a restaurant concept with designed and decorated in the coolest village nature
in cozy and comfortable place, blended with passion culinary enjoyment and exciting food.

Since the year of 2000 , Sapulidi Cafe has spent quality time with loyality visitors
arround Bandung , Jakarta , Bali and all of Indonesia.
The Sapulidi area has an intimate setting in measure 6 hectares with maximum capacity
up to 1000 persons ( Standing & Seated ) offers an ultimate pampering experience
on the hands with combination of delicious food service.

The Sapulidi serves choise of variation food culinary menu that you
may enjoy the traditional of sundanese unique and aromatic taste food
with the popular and most wanted menu , such as :
Ayam Kahaseupan ( Smoked Chicken with Sapulidi style ) , Ayam Bakar Warisan ,
Ramuan Nenek Sihir and others. Also take your pick and shovel the legendary menu
to remembers your old time.

 Just opened in August 2006 , the latest addition from Sapulidi ,
now we proudly offer you , a stunning natural resort with embrace of 25 rooms
spreading on the lake of Sapulidi with unique exterior and interior and completed with
gallery , handycraft , furnitures and fashion to buy.

 Set on the slopes of Bandung's lush green, Sapulidi Resort is truly one with nature.
Perfect tranquility with modern convenience, the heart of nature's escape in fashionable luxury.
There is 25 Rooms every room has been designed in javanese Joglo's style,
providing you with the finest comfort you can expect from the ultimate resorts.

Theres no doubt for you to visit and stay at Sapulidi Cafe , Resort And Gallery
in Lembang Bandung . The preffered place with great view and food
and recreation is coming your way...

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Rockmelt : New Social Media Web Browser

Rockmelt is a proprietary social media web browser developed by Tim Howes and Eric Vishria. The project is backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen. Rockmelt integrates a unique technique for surfing the web that focuses on Google Search and Social Media, in particular Facebook and Twitter. the browser launched in private Beta on November 8, 2010, in order to download it, users are required to connect their Facebook and Twitter account to the website to receive an invitation email. Rockmelt supports Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

Rockmelt is based on Google's open source project chromium, a cross platform family of browsers (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux) that use on open source web layout engine webkit-joinly built by apple, google and the open-source community. But have Javascript  engine replaced by Google's own V8, also open source. Version 3+ of Flock, an older social web browser project and therefore a primary competitor to Rockmelt, is also based on Chromium.

How to RockMelt

Magnum Cafe Jakarta : New Royal Ice Cream

Wall's Magnum Ice Cream Cafe presents Magnum Cafe, Jakarta. Located on the 5th floorWest Mall area elite Grand Indonesia Shopping Mall, with a modern touch of Victorian. Invite any person who does not hesitate dynamic spoil yourself to explore a variety of ways to enjoy the delicious MagnumMagnum Cafe exists to provide a new trend in enjoying the delicious sensation Magnum

In this Cafe Magnum ice cream lovers will not only meet with the ice cream sticks only.But the visitors will be spoiled with unique creations Magnum-style, ranging fromappetizers, main course, to dessert and mocktail, though reserved for the famousItalian chef Aldo Volpi.

As magnum waflle : Waffle De aristocrat ; creme de la creme (Dessert) : Goblet ofChocolate ; Razzle Dazzle, Crown Jewel; Nobble niibble (Small Bites) : Pas De Trois, AKnight's Tale, Court Jester, The Emperor, Commander's Fried Rice , Royal Kingdom,Royal Feast (Main Course). While the creation of drinks on offer include : magnumsignature: Summer Tango, magnum shakes : Royale truffles, chocolate magnum : IceQueen.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

World cuisines

Top 10 Most Tasty Cuisines In The world

10. Lebanese Cuisine
The Lebanese cuisine is the place where you can taste all the goodness the Middle East has to offer. the most famous dish worldwide is the appetizer mezze – a selection of dips, pickles, salads and nibbles with Arabic bread. It also includes an abundance of fruit, fresh fish and seafood and little animal fat

9. Greek Cuisine
The Greek cuisine is influence from the Turkish and Italian cuisine. Restaurants now offer an authentic eating experience, being up to date with the latest culinary trends and stocked up with regional specialties

8. Spanish Cuisine
Spain's extensive history with many cultural influences has led to an array of unique cuisines with literally thousands of recipes and flavors. It is also renowned for its health benefits and fresh ingredients

7. Japanese Cuisine
The Japanese cuisine is rapidly becoming a trend worldwide. White rice and soybeans are the ingredients we should expect to find in almost any dish

6. Mexican Cuisine
Known for its varied flavors and spices, Mexican Cuisine is a result of the Spanish conquistadores’ interaction with the Aztec culture. Most of the Mexican food we eat today is a delicious combination of ancient traditions, Aztec, Mayan and Spanish

5. Thai Cuisine
Thai food is mix of hot, sour, bitter and sweet, is a good enough reason to visit the country. The foods are characterized by the use of fresh herbs and flavors, such as lime juice, lemon grass and fresh coriander.You will often come across nam pla, a strong fish sauce, shrimp paste and noodles.

4. Indian Cuisine
One of the world’s most sophisticated and diverse cuisines, only one part of the Indian cuisine is known to the world. The foods are mostly vegetarian, but many include lamb, goat, chicken meat and even fish

3. Chinese Cuisine
Originated in various parts of China and now spread throughout the world, Chinese cuisine is now eaten by a third of the world’s population every day. The cuisine is easy to create, economical and tasty. Chinese cuisine is very varied and tasty

2. Italian Cuisine
Perhaps one of the oldest in the world, the Italian cuisine can be traced back to the 4th century BC. It became what is today along with the discovery of the New World, that brought potatoes, tomatoes pepper or maize on the list of ingredients. Italy is also famous for over 400 kinds of cheese, including the famous Parmigianino Reggiano, and 300 types of sausages

1. French Cuisine
Starting with the Middle Ages that brought rich banquets to the French Revolution, where refined techniques were used, French Cuisine can be called in the 21st century “haute cuisine”. It is as popular as the poetry or French arts, a meal at a restaurant comparing to “a sort of theatre you can eat”. Pastries are a large part of French cooking. Cheese and wine are also a major part of the cuisine, being perhaps the most famous of all. The modern restaurant has its roots in French culture so restaurants are bountiful, but as for recommendation before deciding on one. In Paris alone, there are over 5,000 places to eat, with prices and menus to suit anyone’s taste